I started working at The Pop Inn in April 2018. I was a 19 year old college student, and my only experience of wine was a few sips at a family Christmas party (pretending to enjoy the taste), and a Thursday night at college where wine was only to be drunk from a silver bag… so clearly not a lot of experience. Now, however, I would say I am an amateur wine connoisseur, with a developing palette. A few years ago, I would only drink ciders, mixers and any other drink jam packed with sugar in order to mask the actual taste.
However, working at The Pop-Inn has truly transformed me into a wine drinker. I now appreciate wine. I know what wines I like and I know which wines I don’t (ahem Chardonnay).
Natasha Moir
I learnt that wine can actually go off!! Who knew? At college I thought that 3-week-old $2 Sav Blanc was supposed to taste like urine - although at $2 it probably wasn’t going to be that great in the first place.
Kimberley and Eldad have taught us so much about wine, and continue to. Taking us to wineries, having us over to taste the latest grape variety and letting us take home open bottles on a Sunday… it’s a hard life being an employee of The Pop Inn. Sigh.
Wine is now a treat for me. I look forward to it. I look forward to taking the first sip of a freshly opened bottle, with utter excitement at the possible flavours, layers, and body of the liquid gold.
All I can say is, now I understand why wine is the drink of the gods.